University of Genoa
Department of Surgery and Medicine
Professor Stefano Benedicenti
Implant/Ultrasound Bone Knife Elite Course
2019-2020 Course Plan
The University of Genoa has 40000 students, 12 colleges, and a revenue of 160 million euros. It ranks 200 universities in the world (with a total of 20000 universities) and strongly supports academic and cultural cooperation.
In the field of dentistry, we offer elite courses covering the following fields: restoration, laser, endodontics, periodontitis/implant, facial beauty (botulinum toxin and fillers), as well as implant/ultrasound bone knives.
In 2015, we became the first group in the world to conduct laser training. At present, we have opened 40 elite dental courses in 18 countries, 3 international master's courses (laser, advanced courses in cosmetic restoration dentistry, implant/denture restoration), and doctoral courses (new dental technologies) (www.centrolaser.unige.it Facebook: university of Genoa centroaser)
Ultrasound osteotome is a revolutionary bone cutting technique that improves and simplifies daily bone surgery. Special training and necessary learning curve processes are required to achieve the expected clinical outcomes.
This course is organized to provide each participant with a deep understanding of surgical techniques and the possibility of obtaining the correct surgical techniques. This is thanks to excellent textbooks and effective hands-on operations on animal bones.
5 Lecturers
5 themes (each lasting for 2 days)
Each lecturer introduces the clinical advantages of ultrasound osteotomes in their professional field, showcasing the most important scientific research achievements and extensive clinical cases in different anatomical situations.
The textbook introduced in this course presents the core knowledge and proprietary technology of the International Society for Ultrasound Osteotomy.
Chairman of Implant/Ultrasound Bone Knife Elite Course
No. | 主题 | 讲师 | 日期 | 地址 | 课程费用 |
Course 1 | 口腔外科 | Enzo Rossi 教授 | 2019年 3月23-24日 | 上海 (中国) | RMB 16,000 |
Course 2 | 牙周病学 | Simo ne Vera rd i教授 | 2019年 7月20-21日 | 上海 (中国) | RMB 16,000 |
Course 3 | 种植学 | Clau dio Stac chi 教授 | 2019年 10月26-27日 | 上海 (中国) | RMB 16,000 |
Course 4 | 颌面外科 | Mass imo Robi ony 教授 | 2019年 12月7-8日 | 上海 (中国) | RMB 16,000 |
Course 5 | 超声骨刀权威指导 | Tom aso Verc ell otti 教授 Stef ano Bene dic enti 教授 | 2020年 3月14-15日 | 热那亚 (意大利) | RMB 16,000 |
Remarks: 1. Participating in some themed courses will result in obtaining course certificates. (Please refer to the attachment for a sample certificate) 2. Attend all themed courses and pass the exam to obtain the Elite Course Certificate. (Please refer to the attachment for a sample certificate) After participating students complete the elite course, they can continue and apply for a two-year master's program without examination, corresponding to the name 'Implant and Fixed Denture Restoration'. 3.Registration for all themed courses before January 31, 2019 will result in a 10% discount. 4.During the Genoa study period, there will be an additional 2 days of freely chosen courses/activities. 5.During the study period in Genoa (4 days and 5 nights), local transportation and accommodation are sponsored by the Italian company Mectron.
(Due to special reasons, the organizer reserves the right to modify the schedule and the lecturer. The Chinese translation of the course introduction is for reference only)
Prof. Stefano BenedicentiProfessor Benedicenti is an associate professor of restorative dentistry and endodontics at the University of Genoa (Italy). Director of the Laser Center Department at the University of Genoa. Chairman of the European Master's program in 'Dental Laser'. Founding member of the International High Tech Society. Authors and co authors of 80 domestic and international publications and 3 books in the field of dental lasers.
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Prof. Enzo Rossi MD,DDSBorn in Veronica, Italy 10.08.1952 Medical degree - University of Florence, Italy Dental degree - University of Cagliari, Italy Degree in Oral Surgery and Pathology - Bourgogne Dijon University, France Researcher in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sinai Hospital, University of Detroit, USA Researcher in Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Marshall University, West Virginia, United States Master's degree - San Marino University in Aesthetic Surgery Master's degree - Siena University in Aesthetic Medicine Current position Clinical Professor, Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark Associate Professor, Department of Stomatology, University of Pisa, Italy Practical experience in oral and maxillofacial surgery, implant, dentistry, cosmetic surgery, and cosmetic medicine Active member of the Italian Society for Osteointegration An active member of the Lyon Society in the United States Lifetime Researcher, International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Member of the International Society of Dental Implant Specialists Active founder and former chairman of the International Society for Ultrasound Bone Knife Surgery
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Prof. Simone VerardiProfessor Simone Verardi graduated from the School of Dentistry at the University of Rome in 1998. In 2000, he completed a graduate course in regenerative periodontal surgery at the University of Naples. In 2001, he moved to the United States and took courses in periodontics at the University of Washington. In 2004, he obtained a certificate in periodontics and also obtained a Master's degree in dentistry. Not long after, he became a full-time assistant professor in the Department of Periodontology at the University of Washington, where he was responsible for implant and periodontal disease. In 2004, he received the Outstanding Research Award from the California Society of Periodontology. In 2005, he became a specialist at the American Committee on Periodontology. Professor Verardi has published multiple scientific papers and delivered speeches on four continents. Current Chairman of Schluger Amons Research Club Founding member and financial director of the International Society for Ultrasound Bone Knife Surgery Member of the American Society of Periodontitis and the Society of Osteointegration Associate Professor at the University of Washington. He works in a private clinic, and his expertise includes beauty, advanced bone transplantation, and implantation.
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Prof. Claudio Stacchi DDS,Msc
Born in Gorizia, Italy in 1964 Graduated from dentistry and obtained a Master's degree in Oral Surgery from the University of Trieste, Italy Since 2007, I have been serving as an associate professor of oral implantology at the School of Dentistry and the Graduate School of Oral Surgery at the University of Trieste Since 2017, as an associate professor, he has obtained the National Science Qualification Certificate (ASN). Founder and current Chairman of the International Society for Ultrasound Bone Knife (2017-2019) (IPA), an active member of the Italian Society for Bone Integration (IAO). Member of the editorial board of the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Research At the dental clinic of the University of Rieste in Italy and his own office in Gorizia, Italy, he has professional operational experience in periodontics and implantology
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Prof. Massimo Robiony
Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Udinese Director of Maxillofacial Surgery, Udinese Medical College Director of the Faculty of Medicine at Udinese University Barcelona European Commission for Craniofacial Surgery FEBOMFS for 2007 Elected as the President of the 2019-2022 International Ultrasound Osteotomy Society Several members of the editorial board of international journals Founder of the Creative Project Influenced by clinical research, 115 scientific research papers have been published in international academic journals, with a total impact factor of 105.528
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Prof. Tomaso VercellottiBorn in Italy As an honor student, graduated from the University of Genoa in Italy with a major in Oral Surgery and Stomatology Honorary Professor and Staff of Queen Mary College, University of London Professor, University of Genoa, Italy Visiting Professor at UCS in Los Angeles, USA Private Clinic: Vercelotti Studio in Genoa, Italy Inventor of ultrasonic bone knife Founder of the International Society for Ultrasound Bone Knife (IPA) Founder and Chairman of Ultrasound Bone Knife Network (PN) International lecturer Active Member of the American Osteonephritis Association Active Member of the American Periodontal Association Active Member of the International Dental Implant Association Received the Science Award from the Italian Dental Association (ANDI2005) Published some papers in influential journals I have written 3 books on ultrasound bone scalpel and 10 chapters in international books He is the creator of the following surgical techniques: Ultrasound osteotome for tooth splitting Ultrasound bone knife for maxillary sinus external and internal lifting Preparation of ultrasound implantation site Ultrasound bone knife crown lengthening surgery Ultrasound osteotome cortical resection for orthodontic movement Ultrasound bone knife bone block collection New type of ultrasound bone knife implantation (RexImplants)
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Oral Surgery Course
Prof. Enzo Rossi
Ultrasound bone knife for root extraction
‣ Preoperative study: X-ray CTCB diagnos
‣ Surgical instruments
‣ Surgical plans for different periodontal anatomy situations
• Normal periodontal pattern
• Thin periodontal type
• Ankylosing ligament
‣ Anatomy of maxillary and mandibular bones - extraction of third molars
‣ Surgical plan for extraction of impacted third molars:
Preservation techniques for lingual and alveolar nerves - flap design and osteotomy
‣ Surgical treatment of impacted canine teeth
‣ Anatomical resection of maxilla and mandible in children
‣ Excision surgery for children of different age groups
‣ Postoperative treatment and management of complications
Ultrasound bone knife bone block technology
‣ Basic Biological Concepts and Clinical Significance of Bone Transplantation Technology
‣ Autologous, homologous, heterologous, and synthetic
‣ Anatomy of intraoral donor site
‣ Anatomy of the oral external donor site
‣ Ultrasound osteotome technique for mandibular ramus and chin bone harvesting
‣ Flap design, osteotomy, transplantation, and suturing
‣ Ultrasound osteotome - receptor site preparation and transplantation techniques
‣ Flap design, tissue treatment, and suturing
‣ Postoperative treatment and management of complications
‣ Issuance of certificates
Periodontology course
Prof. Simone Verardi
• Anatomy of periodontal tissue
• Etiology, pathogenesis, and epidemiology of periodontal disease
• Local and systemic risk factors
• Diagnosis, classification, prognosis
Phase 1:Treatment and Reevaluation
• Scraping and root surface leveling
• Local and systemic antibacterial therapy
Phase 2:treatment
• Surgical treatment of periodontitis
• Surgical equipment
• Suture technology and materials
• Skin flap debridement
• Improved Widman flap surgery
• Osteectomy surgery
• Regenerating the diaphragm
• Regeneration of amelogenin and growth factors
• Treatment of bifurcation
• Supportive periodontal treatment
• Periodontal plastic surgery
• Improvement of soft tissue morphology: epithelial soft tissue transplantation and connective tissue transplantation
• Root covering surgery: Coronary flap, connective tissue transplantation
• Clinical crown lengthening surgery
• Around the implant
• Computer operation
• Incision, flap elevation, and sutures
• Osteoplasty and Osteectomy - Used for Osteectomy and Clinical Crown Lengthening Surgery
• Root debridement surgery
• Treatment of peri-implant inflammation
• Issuance of certificates
Prof. Claudio Stacchi DDS, MSc
Maxillary sinus augmentation: clinical innovation and guidelines
1.Diagnosis and treatment plan for posterior maxillary atrophy
2. Maxillary sinus:
• Surgical Anatomy
• Physiology and Physiological Pathology
• Oral Surgeons and Otolaryngologists: Team Approach
3. External and internal maxillary sinus lifting:
• Selection criteria for external and internal references
• Surgical procedures
• Transplant materials
• Implants and positioning timing
• Prevention and treatment of complications
Preparation of Ultrasound Bone Knife at the Implant Site: Advantages in Clinical Practice
1. The concept of bone integration
2. Implant stability
3. Preparation of implantation site: key factors
4. Ultrasonic bone knife cutting characteristics:
• Surgical control
• Selective cutting
• Bone healing response
5. Preparation of ultrasound bone knife implantation area:
• Surgical plan
• Clinical and biological results
• Issuance of certificates
Ultrasound osteotome for maxillofacial osteotomy
Prof. Massimo Robiony
• Oral Surgery
• Using an ultrasound bone knife for bone collection
• Reconstruction with ultrasound bone knife: edentulous and mandibular/maxillary atrophy
• Orthodontic surgery
• Pediatric Surgery
• Eye socket surgery
• Free bone flap
• Ultrasound osteotome and cosmetic surgery (rhinoplasty, chin shaping, palatoplasty, mandibular angle shaping, skull shaping)
• Craniofacial surgery (tumors and deformities)
• Bisphosphonate osteonecrosis: minimally invasive surgery with ultrasound bone knife
• New technologies and ultrasound osteotomes: virtual reality surgery planning, navigation, endoscopy
• Issuance of certificates
Authoritative guidance for ultrasound bone knife
Prof. Tomaso Vercellotti
• Bone anatomy: diagnosis, preoperative research, treatment planning, surgical decision-making, clinical records, and charts
• Comparison of osteotomy characteristics between ultrasound osteotome and traditional instruments
• Histological and clinical results of ultrasound bone knife (20 years of experience)
• Mucosal gingival flap elevation technique (ultrasonic bone knife)
• Ultrasound bone knife cyst resection
• Ultrasound bone knife root extraction surgery: application of inflammatory tissue removal, debridement, and alveolar bone stimulation in the preservation of dental sockets
• (In the field of beauty) Preparation of immediate implant areas with ultrasonic bone knives (root canal, alveolar)
• The use of ultrasonic bone knife in the implant preparation area reduces the incidence rate of difficult cases
• Ultrasound osteotome for clinical theory and surgical plan of split coronal disease
• Ultrasound osteotome - Implant for simplified narrow ridge treatment
• Comparison of ultrasound bone knife external and internal maxillary sinus lifting schemes (a clinically reasonable new ultrasound bone knife lifting surgical scheme)
• Ultrasound bone knife bone collection technology in daily diagnosis and treatment
• Ultrasound bone knife cortical osteotomy - for orthodontic movement of ankylosing teeth
• Q&A
• Looking ahead to the future
• Exams
• Issuing certificates or issuing elite course certificates to students who participate in all courses